The Grieve Better Show is coming in winter 2022.

if you’re here you might know what it’s like to be the guest house for grief.

This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they are a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

Be grateful for whatever comes. because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.
— Rumi


Ep. 1: Holy crap, I'm grieving now what?

Grieve Better Resources: 

TOOLS: How to listen to others who are grieving 
TOOLS: Window of Tolerance and the nervous system 
TOOLS: Box Breathing for anxiety 

SUPPORT: E-mail "Dear Libby" your questions on grief and coping with change we didn’t ask for
SUPPORT: Join the Grieve Better community

Ep. 2: Feel it vs fix it

EP. 3:Got rumination? Past, present, Future thinking

Audio Block
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EP. 4: How we breathe is how we grieve

EP. 5: grief 101

EP. 6: Feeling is freeing

EP. 7: How it started (part 1)

EP. 8: A vote for grief

EP. 9: How it’s going (part 2)

EP. 10: you asked, “Dear Libby” answers

EP. 11: The beginner’s guide to grieving

EP. 12: take a deep breath, let’s grieve better together

EP. 13: got a question? “Dear Libby” Answers

EP. 14: grieving into possibility with your future self

About The GRIEVE BETTER Podcast:

This is a show that talks about something most of us would rather not talk about - that thing is called grief. Now, more than ever, how we deal with change and change we didn't ask for is begging for our attention. 

We all grieve and we do it our own way.   Libby Carstensen, the host of The Grieve Better Podcast, asks "Is it possible to grieve better?".

The simple answer to a complicated question is, "Yes"! 

We know that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to loss,  Each episode contains grief education, deep listening, exploring the latest research from grief experts, examining ideas and the neuroscience of change, and hearing from listeners just like you who have a message to share as a result of experiencing loss.

 Every week on the Grieve Better Podcast, we want to share something you maybe didn't know about grief to expand your perspective. Some weeks that thing will be shared by one of our guests or me. 

We explore the different types of loss, the impact on our bodies and our brains, and begin to explore ways to cope with change we didn't ask for to grieve better together.

Let’s connect: Follow us on Instagram | Join our Facebook Community | E-mail your comments, questions, or virtual high-fives